Richest African Countries in 2024

Richest African Countries in 2024

Africa, a continent often painted with a brush of poverty, instability, and adversity, surprisingly harbors some hidden gems. 

While it’s true that numerous African nations face challenges, it is home to a rising number of thriving economies, making it a land of untapped potential. Africa boasts some of the fastest-growing economies on the global stage. It is predicted that Africa’s GDP will reach a staggering $29 trillion by 2050, fueled by agriculture, trade, and natural resources sectors.

The African workforce is rapidly expanding, with sub-Saharan Africa alone witnessing 20 million new job seekers each year. Furthermore, the continent is gradually bridging the technological gap with the rest of the world. Every day, over 90,000 sub-Saharan Africans dive into the internet for the first time.

Sure, even the richest African countries have a long way to go before they can compete with the world’s wealthiest nations. But, as you’ll soon discover, Africa’s potential is immense. Let’s go ahead and discover the richest countries in Africa.

Measuring Africa’s Wealth through Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

To gauge the wealth of African countries, one reliable method is examining their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the total value of goods and services produced annually. GDP can be expressed as either current US dollars or adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and represented in international dollars (INT). The latter method ensures more accurate comparisons, factoring in the local cost of living.

Top 10 Richest African Countries by GDP (World Bank)

Below are the ten richest African countries according to the overall GDP announced by the World Bank. The GDP in USD is listed below next to each country below.

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania


#10 in Richest African Countries

Let's kick off our countdown with Tanzania, a nation blessed with a wealth of natural beauty and resources. Boasting famous attractions like Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania's tourism industry is booming. Add to that a growing agricultural sector, and you've got an economy worth watching.

$67,404 million
Ivory Coast

flag of Ivory Coast Ivory Coast

#9 in Richest African Countries

The Ivory Coast is a West African powerhouse, driven by its thriving cocoa and coffee production. As the world's top cocoa producer, the nation continues to sweeten the global market. Additionally, its recent push toward industrialization is contributing to its ever-expanding GDP.

$70,043 million
Ada, Ghana

flag of Ghana Ghana

#8 in Richest African Countries

The Land of Gold, Ghana, is West Africa's shining star. Rich in gold, oil, and cocoa, the nation's diverse resources have fueled its steady economic growth. With political stability and ongoing development projects, Ghana's future looks bright.

$77,594 million
Amboseli National Park, Kenya

flag of Kenya Kenya

#7 in Richest African Countries

East Africa's economic epicenter, Kenya, is soaring to new heights. A hub of innovation and technology, the country is home to the famous "Silicon Savannah" and a booming service sector. With a youthful, educated workforce, Kenya is set to continue its impressive upward trajectory.

$110,347 million

flag of Ethiopia Ethiopia

#6 in Richest African Countries

The land of ancient civilizations, Ethiopia, is emerging as a modern economic powerhouse. Thanks to its ambitious infrastructure projects and focus on agriculture, the nation's GDP is witnessing remarkable growth. The future holds great promise for this cradle of mankind.

$111,271 million
Chefchaouen, Morocco

flag of Morocco Morocco

#5 in Richest African Countries

Exotic Morocco, a gateway between Europe and Africa, has a diverse economy that's flourishing. With a strong focus on the automotive, aerospace, and renewable energy industries, Morocco is steadily climbing the economic ranks. Get ready to be mesmerized by this North African jewel.

$142,866 million

flag of Algeria Algeria

#4 in Richest African Countries

Rich in natural resources, Algeria's economy is primarily driven by oil and gas exports. As the largest country in Africa, it holds significant untapped potential for further economic diversification. Keep an eye on this North African giant as it marches toward a prosperous future.

$163,044 million


#3 in Richest African Countries

Steeped in history, Egypt's economy is as grand as its pyramids. With a strong foundation in tourism, agriculture, and the energy sector, Egypt is one of the most robust economies on the continent. This ancient land continues to captivate the world, both culturally and economically.

$404,143 million
South Africa

South Africa Flag South Africa

#2 in Richest African Countries

South Africa is a melting pot of cultures, landscapes, and opportunities. As Africa's most industrialized nation, it boasts a diversified economy with a focus on mining, manufacturing, and the service sector. This rainbow nation is a shining example of Africa's economic potential.

$1.39 trillion
Lagos, Nigeria

Nigeria Flag Nigeria

#1 in Richest African Countries

Topping our list is Nigeria, the undisputed heavyweight champion of African economies. As the continent's largest oil producer, Nigeria enjoys a dominant position in the global market. With a young, vibrant population and a rapidly expanding tech sector, Nigeria's economic future is bright and promising.

$440,834 million

Limitations and Advantages of GDP per Capita and GNI per Capita

Despite its usefulness, GDP has its limitations. It doesn’t account for population size, potentially favoring countries with larger but less productive workforces. Moreover, tax haven countries’ financial sectors can skew GDP figures. To address these issues, economists often rely on GDP per capita (GDP divided by the population) and Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, which is less affected by tax haven activities.

African Economies through Gross National Income (GNI) per Capita

Another valuable metric for comparing countries’ wealth is Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. GNI measures the total income generated through goods and services while accounting for international business activities. Consequently, GNI can better circumvent the inflated figures often seen in the GDPs of international tax shelter countries, providing a more accurate picture of a nation’s wealth.

Top 10 Richest African Countries by GNI per Capita (World Bank)

Below are the ten richest African countries according to the overall GNI per Capita announced by the World Bank. The GNI per Capita in USD is listed below next to each country below.

flag of Eswatini Eswatini

#10 in Richest African Countries

As the smallest country in the southern hemisphere, Eswatini boasts a unique blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty, with its GNI per capita reflecting a stable and growing economy.


flag of Algeria Algeria

#9 in Richest African Countries

Algeria, the largest African nation, showcases a diverse economy fueled by its vast natural resources, particularly oil and gas, resulting in a GNI per capita that underscores its economic potential.

Sandwich Harbour, Namibia


#8 in Richest African Countries

Namibia's impressive GNI per capita is testament to its robust mining industry, with the nation being a significant producer of diamonds, uranium, and other valuable minerals.


flag of Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea

#7 in Richest African Countries

Although small in size, Equatorial Guinea has a strong oil and gas industry that contributes to its considerable GNI per capita, making it one of Africa's wealthiest countries.



#6 in Richest African Countries

Renowned for its diamond production, Botswana's well-managed economy and political stability are mirrored in its impressive GNI per capita.


flag of Gabon Gabon

#5 in Richest African Countries

Rich in natural resources, including oil, minerals, and timber, Gabon's economy thrives, resulting in a GNI per capita that places it among Africa's top performers.

South Africa

South Africa Flag South Africa

#4 in Richest African Countries

As the most industrialized nation on the continent, South Africa's diversified economy is reflected in its notable GNI per capita, positioning it as one of Africa's wealthiest countries.


flag of Libya Libya

#3 in Richest African Countries

Libya's substantial oil reserves play a significant role in the nation's GNI per capita, highlighting the potential of this North African country.



#2 in Richest African Countries

A shining gem in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius owes its impressive GNI per capita to a diversified economy, with a focus on tourism, financial services, and renewable energy.

La Digue, Seychelles

flag of Seychelles Seychelles

#1 in Richest African Countries

Topping the list, Seychelles' high GNI per capita stems from its thriving tourism sector, sustainable fishing practices, and commitment to renewable energy, making it the richest African nation per capita.


African Countries Compared to the Rest of the World in Wealth

When we look at the whole world, Africa’s richest nations are not as rich as most other continents’ richest nations. In 2021, North America’s average income per person was 68,599 USD, and the European Union’s was 37,779 USD. However, Seychelles is doing better than the average income worldwide, which is 12,023 USD, and some other African countries have the chance to do the same.

African countries with the Most Millionaires

#10 Tanzania (2,400)

#9 Ghana (2,600)

#8 Ethiopia (2,700)

#7 Algeria (2,800)

#6 Mauritius (4,900)

#5 Morocco (5,800)

#4 Kenya (7,700)

#3 Nigeria (9,800)

#2 Egypt (16,100)

#1 South Africa (37,800)

Opportunities for Nomads, Entrepreneurs, and Travelers in Africa

Business Opportunities in Africa’s Richest Countries

With fast-growing economies and a surge in technological advancements, Africa’s richest countries offer a treasure trove of opportunities for digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and frequent travelers. From the buzzing tech scene in Nigeria’s “Silicon Lagoon” to South Africa’s booming renewable energy sector, the continent is ripe for investment and innovation.

Visa Requirements and Travel Regulations

Navigating visa requirements and travel regulations can be a breeze with a little research. Many African countries offer e-visas, visa-on-arrival, or visa-free travel for certain nationalities. Be sure to check the latest updates, as these can change frequently.

Safety Considerations for Travelers

While Africa offers a wealth of opportunities, it’s essential to prioritize safety. Familiarize yourself with local customs, political situations, and health advisories. Stay connected with fellow travelers and expat communities, and always heed the advice of local authorities.

Financial Tips for Living and Working in Africa’s Richest Countries

Banking and Currency Exchange: Opening a local bank account can help you avoid hefty transaction fees and unfavorable exchange rates. Research reputable local banks and compare their services to find one that suits your needs. Keep an eye on currency fluctuations and utilize online platforms for better exchange rates.

Cost of Living Comparison: While the cost of living varies across Africa’s richest countries, it can be quite affordable compared to Western nations. Research local costs for housing, groceries, transportation, and entertainment to help you budget wisely and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Tax Considerations for Expats: Tax laws can be complex, and understanding your tax obligations as an expat is crucial. Consult a tax professional to help you navigate tax treaties, avoid double taxation, and stay compliant with local regulations.

Quality of Life in Africa’s Richest Countries

Education and Healthcare Systems

Africa’s richest countries are investing in education and healthcare, resulting in improved access to quality services. International schools and private healthcare providers cater to expats, but it’s essential to research local options and secure adequate insurance coverage.

Internet Connectivity and Infrastructure

The digital revolution is sweeping across Africa, with improved internet connectivity and infrastructure development. However, be prepared for occasional connectivity challenges, and consider investing in backup solutions like portable Wi-Fi devices or mobile data plans.

Cultural Experiences and Social Life

Living in Africa’s richest countries offers a vibrant social life and unique cultural experiences. From local cuisine and bustling markets to vibrant music scenes and wildlife safaris, there’s always something new to explore. Embrace the local culture, make new friends, and immerse yourself in the adventure that awaits!


Africa’s wealth is as diverse as its landscape, with the top 10 richest countries showcasing economic strength through various industries such as tourism, natural resources, and technology. While challenges persist, these nations exemplify the continent’s potential for growth and prosperity. 

For nomads, expats, and frequent travelers, these countries offer unique opportunities and experiences, making Africa an increasingly attractive destination. By understanding the different metrics used to measure wealth and examining the factors that contribute to these nations’ economic success, we can better appreciate the richness and potential of Africa as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which North African country is the wealthiest?

While there are several countries in North Africa with substantial wealth, currently, the wealthiest country in the region is Egypt, despite the fact that the country have faced significant political and economic challenges in recent years.

What makes foreign investment in the richest countries in Africa so attractive?

Foreign investment in Africa's wealthiest countries can be highly attractive due to the potential for significant returns on investment, driven by growing consumer demand and increased economic stability in many regions. Additionally, many African governments have implemented policies to encourage foreign investment, such as streamlined regulations and tax incentives.

What are the top three richest countries in Africa?

As of 2021, the three richest countries in Africa are Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt. These countries boast diverse economies and significant natural resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals.

What are some of the top industries driving wealth in North African countries?

In North Africa, industries such as oil and gas, tourism, and agriculture are significant drivers of wealth. Countries such as Algeria and Libya have significant oil reserves, while countries like Morocco and Tunisia have thriving tourism industries. Additionally, agriculture is a key sector in many North African countries, providing a vital source of employment and economic growth.

How has foreign investment impacted economic growth in Africa's wealthiest countries?

Foreign investment has played a critical role in driving economic growth and development in many of Africa's wealthiest countries. By providing access to capital, technology, and expertise, foreign investment has helped to support the growth of key industries, create jobs, and stimulate overall economic activity. However, it's worth noting that foreign investment can also bring its own set of challenges, such as increased competition and potential risks to local economies.

What is the wealthiest African country?

The wealthiest African country in terms of GDP is Nigeria with 440.8 billion USD (2021) and in terms of GNI is Seychelles with 14,540 USD.

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