Portugal for LGBT Digital Nomads

Portugal for LGBT Digital Nomads

Portugal has proved to be a haven for the gay community. Tolerance and safety are also synonymous with quality of life, and this has motivated a large portion of the LGBT community to relocate to Portugal, to live without fear or fear of prejudice.

According to the Asher & Lyric LGBTQ+danger index, Portugal is the fifth safest country in the world. In this article, we’ll talk about the gay community in the country, and social figures who have helped Portugal to move towards this.

portugal Lgbt
© Asher & Lyric

LGBT In Portugal

Portugal is known as a more tolerant country to the LGBT community and where one can live more freely, regardless of sexual orientation, without fearing physical aggression in public spaces.

Note that Portugal is not a gay paradise, however, it is a place with reduced numbers of prejudice, violence, and intolerance, especially in cities like Lisbon, Porto, and the Algarve region, even in smaller (and more conservative) locations.

Kiki Pais de Sousa

When it comes to matters involving the LGBT community in Portugal, Kiki Pais de Sousa is a reference in the country, being one of the most representative figures of the Portuguese transgender environment. Over the years, Kiki has participated in important educational campaigns related to gender diversity, TV programs, and, in addition to being a businesswoman, she also holds the position of Secretary to the President of the General Assembly of the LGBTI Association of Commerce and Tourism of Portugal.

ILGA Portugal

The country’s oldest association for the defense of the rights of the LGBT community is ILGA Portugal. ILGA Portugal promotes the social integration of the LGBT population through a support program in the social sphere, which can offer a better quality of life, through the fight against prejudice based on sexual orientation. 

The Association’s major goal is to help the LGBTI community and their families in Portugal integrate into society by:

  • a broad social assistance program that ensures the development of their quality of life 
  • the battle against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual characteristics
  • the promotion of human rights as well as gender equality

ILGA Portugal was established in 1995 and became legally recognized in 1996. Its headquarters and LGBT Center were located on Rua de S. Lázaro in Lisbon from 1997 till the beginning of 2014. The Association’s headquarters, offices, and services, as well as the LGBT Center with its cultural program, are currently located at Rua dos Fanqueiros in Baixa Pombalina.

LGBT portugal

Timeline Of LGBT Rights In Portugal

  • 1982

    Portugal decriminalized homosexuality

  • 1999

    Item content. Click the edit button to change this text.
  • 2001

     Stable unions were extended to same-sex couples (except adoption)

  • 2003

    Labor code was revised (access to work and employment, protection against discrimination at work and sexual harassment)

  • 2004

    Sexual orientation was included in the Portuguese Constitution (Principle of Equality)

  • 2005

    Instituto Português do Sangue allowed blood donation by homosexuals, bisexuals. The decision was canceled in 2009 by the then President of the Institute, Gabriel Olim

  • 2007

    Penal Code was revised (age of consent become equal to that of opposite-sex couples)

  • 2009

    Issues related to sexual orientation was included in the Sex Education Act in schools

  • 2010

    Parliament approved the document that recommends the non-discrimination of homosexuals and bisexuals in blood donation

    Marriage rights extended to same-sex couples (same rights and duties as heterosexual couples, except adoption)

  • 2015

    Adoption and civil sponsorship of children by same-sex couples were approved by the Parliament

  • 2016

     Access to PMA (Medically Assisted Procreation) for women, by the Parliament approves, regardless of sexual orientation and marital status


There you have it. Hope we’ve given you an insight into LGBT Community in Portugal. Note that, In Portugal, discrimination can (does not mean that it happens) occur through curious looks, negative comments, or even verbal insults in the face of public expressions of affection between people of the same sex. However, even so, these opposite reactions are not common, which is why the LGBT community also feels at ease in the country, without fear of a “witch hunt” as can occur in some extremely homophobic countries.

Further reading

Is Portugal Safe?

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