Greetings! My name is Robin,
I am the co-founder and the
director of The Blogler.
First Things First, Who Am I?
Here’s the short story. I was born to two sweet Polish-American parents back in the 80’s. My dad was in diplomacy, so you know what that means. Constant relocation and adaptation to new locations, new cultures, new cuisines, and new people.
By the time I was in my twenties, I had lived in seven different countries across three different continents. I was lucky enough to have traveled extensively within and around each hub we were settled in. We finally settled back to the US.
On my twenty-third birthday, I left the US for a six month trip to Europe. The idea was to get back to my European roots, discover the different corners of the continent before I start a full-fledged career.
When I landed in Lisbon, I had less than 1,000 USD in my pocket. So I checked into a hostel, well, more like a hole in the wall with a so-called collection of beds inside. And so my adventure began.
In the end, I ended up never going back home after those six months. The adventure still goes on to this day. I have been living a nomad life ever since 2006, and enjoying every single day of it!

What Is The Blogler?
The Blogler is a blog we created with an acquaintance I met along my adventure-filled journey. We were both in similar mindsets and were itching to share our knowledge with the rest of the people like us, for whatever it’s worth. As the name suggests, we wanted to share information and tips on having a visa-free, borderless, international life. And so we did.
At The Blogler, our primary objectives are:
- To share useful knowledge and helpful tips with fellow nomads, frequent travelers, and expats on various aspects of international living,
- To network and meet with like-minded global citizens,
- To set up a successful informational site that generates income from affiliate programs, in order to sustain its costs and upkeep its team.
Within the couple of years that we started the blog, we were extremely lucky to have a few more people join us in our journey. We became a growing team of friends that think alike, live alike, and work alike.
Collectively among the team, we have lived in over 22 countries. We define living by a place we spent at least a year in.
These include: the US, the UK, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, Poland, Belarus, Belgium, Mexico, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Turkey, Yemen, Syria, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, and Estonia. Well, that covers quite a bit, but we still have a way to go…
For the past four years, I have been entirely global. I mean location-independent, a true nomad. I must admit, I do spend the largest share of my time in Lisbon, Portugal. The city just has this magnetic effect on me that I keep going back to.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have quite a bit of OCD. Over the years, I have learned to use it to my benefit. But you will see in most of my articles, I will dig quite deep into the topics of interest.
I hope you enjoy the trip…