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Advertiser Disclosure: How Does ‘The Blogler’ Make Money?

Our core principle at The Blogler is transparency. So, please let me explain how we make money at ‘The Blogler’ to sustain our costs and our lives. I don’t want to bore you with specifics, but I want to give you the full picture and assure you 100% that our writing is never, ever influenced by the income or potential income we receive through it.

We do not sell any subscriptions, any informative products (like e-books or courses). We are not using The Blogler as a way to fish for clients or customers, as we have no paid service to offer for our readers.

So what do we do?

Once we have written articles on topics we feel informed or experienced about, we go back to the article and research if any of the services or products mentioned in the article has an affiliate program associated with it. If so, we will apply. If we are approved, we will use an “affiliate link” on the words, where we mention those services and products. If, after reading my article, you choose to click on the linked keyword, go to the service or product page, and purchase it, then I will get a commission. The size of the commission changes depending on what you sign up for or buy. It can be anywhere between a couple of cents to tens or (although very rarely) hundreds of dollars. But mostly between 5 to 10 USD range.

We make sure that we only recommend or market products and services that at least one of us in the team have used and enjoyed. No matter how much we read and research, there is nothing like using it ourselves.

We can assure you that we have never and we will never write about a product or a service, just because they pay us to do so.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support,

Robin on behalf of the The Blogler Team

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