best Gifts for Digital Nomads

Best Gifts for Digital Nomads: The Globetrotter’s Gift Guide

’Tis always the season to give gifts to our loved ones. However, especially during the holiday season, things get a bit crazy. It’s hard to think of the best gift for each and every one of your loved ones at once on special days.

It is, on the other hand, an even bigger challenge to pick the right gift for someone who’s constantly traveling the world. As a digital nomad myself, who’s also mastered the art of handing out befitting presents, I’ve prepared a list of 30 perfect gifts for digital nomads. Read on if you’ve been contemplating what to buy for your digital nomad friend.


It’s a great idea to provide digital nomads with the opportunity to cut back on their monthly/yearly subscriptions to enable them to orient their money to their travel expenses. 

1. Amazon Prime

With an Amazon Prime subscription, you can watch movies and TV shows, listen to music, and store photos in unlimited space, regardless of your location in the world.

2. YouTube Red

Yes, watching videos on YouTube is fun, but it can also come in very handy while you’re traveling the world. You can watch videos ad-free, download them, and stream music with YouTube Red.

3. Netflix

Travelers need to lay back and watch their fav shows as well. Gifting your nomad friend a Netflix subscription will help them enjoy their resting times or flights by watching their favorite movies and TV shows.

4. Exercise Program Subscriptions

You can buy a yoga or fitness subscription as a gift for a digital nomad who likes to stay active and healthy. A meditation program is another good idea for a gift.

An exercise program subscription makes a perfect gift.

5. Priority Pass

Priority Pass is of gold value for the frequent traveler because it allows them to access heaps of lounges in airports around the world, which is a great leisure opportunity in between flights. 

6. Online Courses

There’s always room for improvement for a digital nomad. To help them advance in their careers by keeping on learning new skills, you can buy them online courses related to their fields or interests.

7. VPN Service Subscription

Since digital nomads work online, limitless access is very important for them to work uninterruptedly. Gifting them a VPN service subscription will allow them to access anything online, including regionalized content, as well as securing their online data by anonymizing it. Check out our article on the best VPN services for digital nomads.

8. Language Learning Software Subscription

What could be more advantageous for a traveler than knowing a few words in the language of the country of their destination? You can help them communicate easier while traveling by giving your beloved digital nomad a language learning software subscription or online language courses as gifts. 

Entertainment and Health

Digital nomads care for their well-being as well. Some devices and gadgets will help them spend quality leisure time and keep track of their health. These make great gifts for your beloved nomads. 

9. Kindle and/or Kindle Books

Reading is one of the best activities a digital nomad can do when they have some alone time outside work hours and traveling time. Since they can’t carry their library with them, gifting them a Kindle and a couple of Kindle books would be a great favor.

10. Xiaomi TV Box

Xiaomi TV Box is an excellent device that turns regular televisions into smart ones, which means your nomadic loved one will be able to binge-watch TV shows on Netflix, Hulu, ShowTime, and many other platforms if you give them one as a present. Foreign TV might be boring, so a Xiaomi TV Box is a great item to carry around while traveling the world. 

11. Audiobooks

As an alternative to Kindle and Kindle books, you can gift your beloved nomads audiobooks, which they can listen to while on flights, train, or bus rides. It’s a great option to listen to a good book when one’s too tired to read. 

Gift your beloved nomads audiobooks, which they can listen to while on flights, train, or bus rides.

12. A New Camera

Like every other frequent traveler, digital nomads, too, love to document their travels with photographs and videos. Gifting them a new camera will help them immortalize their memories and experiences in better quality. Plus, you’ll get to see the places they saw as well.

13. A Drone

Serving pretty much the same purpose as the previous item, a drone enables the traveler to record videos and shoot pictures of places they can’t reach, and catch much better visuals. 

14. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones are a must-have for digital nomads: they come in very handy both on loud journeys and coworking/coliving spaces. If your nomadic loved one chooses to work at coffee shops and the like, on the other hand, it’s needed even more.

15. Smartwatch

A smartwatch is a smart gift to buy a digital nomad who likes to watch their health. It’s hard to keep track of everything when you’re traveling because your agenda changes very quickly. Smartwatches help travelers keep track of their health regularly and effortlessly. They also have many other useful functions like showing call and app notifications or messages.

Laptop Gear and Internet Widgets

Since their work depends on their laptops and a solid internet connection, getting devices for digital nomads that’ll meet their needs as gifts is both pleasing and useful.

16. Laptop Stand

Portable and adjustable laptop stands are a great gift for those who work on the go. There are even stands that can be extended in a way to allow you to work by standing. In addition to providing the user with comfort and ease, these laptop stands also offer many health benefits.

A laptop stand is a great gift for those who work on the go.

17. External Hard Drive

Digital nomads take photos and videos as they travel, and they need extra space to store this data, other than their laptop storage. Moreover, they may need extra storage to keep their work-related documents as well. Hence, an external hard drive is a great gift idea for a nomad. 

18. Apple App Store/Google Play Store Gift Card

Digital nomads use heaps of apps: both for their business and their travels. When all the fees for these apps add up, it becomes a little costly. You can chip in by giving your nomadic loved one an Apple App Store or Google Play Store gift card. This way, you can help them cut back on their monthly or annual expenses.

19. A Universal Adapter

Adapters can get lost or break easily during travels. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to buy a spare adapter of good quality as a gift for a digital nomad.

20. Portable Charger

Portable chargers are equal to a treasury for digital nomads. A nomad must be able to charge their electronic devices regardless of their location because they work on laptops, should be accessible via the phone, and spend their leisure time reading on their Kindle, watching Netflix, or listening to music on Spotify. If this gift idea seems intriguing to you, you might as well check out solar chargers, which are both nomad-friendly and environment-friendly. 

21. Portable WiFi

Having uninterrupted access to a stable internet connection is a prerequisite of the digital nomad life. To grant your beloved digital nomad such comfort and contentment, you can gift them a portable WiFi hotspot device that works for various continents and countries.

Gift your digital nomad friend a portable WiFi hotspot device that works for various continents and countries.

22. Blue Light Glasses

Another great gift idea for digital nomads is blue light glasses, which are very useful in terms of protecting them from blue light-related health problems such as insomnia or eye strain. Such a considerate gift will protect them from the harmful effects of the horrible ceiling lights at coworking spaces and working online on laptops for long hours.

23. Solar Chargers

Solar chargers,–as I’ve mentioned earlier–are quite beneficial for both nomads and the environment. Instead of using electricity, these energy-efficient chargers are powered by solar energy and are, therefore, environmentally friendly.

Packing and Traveling Kits

Easy packing/unpacking and comfortable journeys are two key points to leading a happy digital nomad life. Buying digital nomads gifts that’ll help create such conveniences is an excellent option.

24. Waterproof Organizer for Electronics

I can confidently say that whatever you buy for your nomadic loved one, always choose the waterproof version if available. 

Things can get wet in many ways in digital nomad life: by getting caught in the rain, a splash at the seaside, or simply due to a luggage accident. 

A good quality waterproof organizer for electronics will save everything that digital nomad life depends on in case such an inconvenience occurs and hence is an excellent gift idea.

25. Packing Cubes

Being organized saves digital nomads a considerable amount of time. Gifting them a set of packing cubes will help them stay organized and pack and unpack much more effortlessly. I recommend you try not to opt for the cheapest, though, because cheap packing cubes usually tear easily and become more of a burden rather than a practicality.

26. Airplane Travel Kit

An all-inclusive airplane travel kit goes a long way in pleasing a digital nomad. These travel kits typically include memory foam neck pillows–which I definitely recommend instead of inflatable ones–, an eye mask, and ear plugs, all of which provide the traveler with considerable comfort. Buying an all-in-one package is much more cost-effective than buying such items separately. Hence, the travel kit is a good option both for the gift giver and the receiver. 

27. Customized Passport Holder

Passports are naturally one of the most crucial items that digital nomads carry with them as they travel the globe. 

Passports require excessive protection because it’s not a piece of cake to replace them when they’re lost, stolen, or ruined, especially while in a foreign country.

You can gift your beloved traveler a customized passport holder to help them keep their passport safe and secure. Plus, a personalized holder may create a sense of homeliness for a full-time traveler away from home.

You can gift your beloved traveler a customized passport holder to help them keep their passport safe and secure.

28. Fold Up Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is important, but another thing that’s almost equally important for frequent travelers is the issue of space. 

A fold-up water bottle takes up a really small space when empty. Hence, it’s a healthy and useful gift option to buy for a digital nomad.

28. Fold Up Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is important, but another thing that’s almost equally important for frequent travelers is the issue of space. 

A fold-up water bottle takes up a really small space when empty. Hence, it’s a healthy and useful gift option to buy for a digital nomad.

The Essentials

When we think of presents to buy for our loved ones, the first things that come to mind are not the essential things but things that’ll make the receiver instantly happy. We usually opt for the more desirable; rather than the much-needed. However, providing us digital nomads with the very essentials is a great gift option. 

29. Airbnb or Hotel Gift Cards/Prepaid Accommodation

Accommodation is one of the costliest aspects of digital nomad life: gifting your nomadic loved one with an Airbnb/hotel gift card or another prepaid accommodation option helps them lower their expenses and enjoy their stay without getting stressed about the payment process. 

30. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance may not be the first gift option we think of while buying for a digital nomad. Now that it’s mentioned, though, I strongly recommend that you definitely consider it for the top rows of your list. For me, it’s at least in the top five, without a doubt. Safety first! On that note, check out our article on the popular digital nomad insurance Safetywing

Gifts for Digital Nomads: The Wrap-Up

There you have it… I’ve given you a list of gifts that we digital nomads would genuinely love to receive. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to this list: you can get creative. However, I think it’s best to buy something serviceable that’ll take up minimal space in the luggage and make your digital nomad friend’s life easier: trust me, it goes a long way in making them happy.

Although digital nomad life is fantastic, it’s no bed of roses: it can get practically challenging. Gifting them useful electronic widgets, gear, clothes, or travel accessories helps make their business life easier and travels more enjoyable by smoothing out potential rubs. 

In hopes that this post will help you in your search for the best suitable gift for your digital nomad friend/partner/relative, I’ll now leave you to look up the perfect gift.

Good luck with your pick!

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Best Gifts for Digital Nomads: FAQ

What is the perfect gift for a digital nomad?

The perfect gift for a digital nomad is a laptop that is lightweight, powerful, and reliable. A laptop equipped with features such as a fast processor, ample RAM, plenty of storage, and a long-lasting battery will ensure that your digital nomad is able to work anywhere at any time. If you’re feeling generous, why not splash out on the latest model featuring the latest technologies? With its super-slim design, touchscreen capabilities, and modern ports it could be an ideal choice for a digital nomad’s lifestyle.

If your budget won’t stretch to buying a laptop outright then you could opt for accessories instead. An external hard drive or USB flash drive would be ideal for storing large files or backing up important data. A wireless mouse or keyboard can help make working on the go easier; while noise-canceling headphones can give extra comfort when working in busy places. Portable chargers and cables can also be invaluable if they need to work on their laptop on the go.

Finally, one thing all digital nomads appreciate is something that allows them to enjoy the freedom of their lifestyle – such as a Wanderlust subscription or guidebook to help them discover hidden gems around the world. Why not throw in some travel insurance so they can stay safe and secure wherever their travels take them?

What to give a friend moving overseas?

Moving overseas is an exciting but stressful experience, and a great way to show your friend that you’re thinking of them is with a gift. A great gift to give a friend moving overseas would be something that reminds them of their old home. For example, if they are moving from the U.S., you could get them a selection of locally made foods that they can enjoy while away, such as jams, jellies, and dried fruits from their home state or region. You could even add a few books written by authors from their hometown or country to give your friend something to read while abroad.

Another thoughtful gift idea for someone who is moving abroad is items that will help make their transition easier. Consider getting them a gift card to use on flights and other travel expenses, or perhaps some supplies like new luggage or packing cubes so they can stay organized while on the go. You might also want to include some souvenirs from the place they are leaving behind – this could be anything from postcards with iconic images of the city/country to small trinkets that will bring back memories when seen years down the line.

Finally, it’s always nice to show your love for someone going through such a big life change with more heartfelt gifts like photo albums filled with memories of time spent together back home, customized items featuring messages of encouragement and optimism for the future, or even an online subscription service or streaming account so they can watch shows and movies from back home if they miss it. Whatever you choose, showing your support through presents is always appreciated! Our gift guide above can help you as well.

What is an Airbnb gift card?

An Airbnb Gift Card is a type of prepaid card that can be used to pay for accommodations and other experiences on the Airbnb platform. It’s a great way to give someone else the gift of travel without having to worry about finding the perfect destination or coming up with enough cash. With an Airbnb Gift Card, you can choose from over 7 million unique listings in more than 191 countries, ranging from hotels and homestays to luxury villas, treehouses, and more. Airbnb Gift Cards are fully customizable, meaning you can set your own denomination ($25 – $500), add a personal message, and choose either physical or digital delivery. Additionally, the cards never expire so recipients don’t have to worry about using them before their expiry date.

With an Airbnb Gift Card, you’ll also be able to enjoy exclusive discounts on select bookings as well as access exclusive travel experiences hosted by local experts. Whether it’s for a friend who wants to explore the world or for yourself so you can take some much-needed time away from home–an Airbnb Gift Card is the perfect way to do it!

What are the best gifts for someone that works remotely?

For someone working remotely, there are a variety of thoughtful and practical gifts that may help make their workday a bit easier and more enjoyable. Thoughtful gifts might include a notebook or planner for staying organized or an interesting and inspiring book to keep them motivated. A nice-smelling candle can create a pleasant atmosphere in the home office, while some headphones with noise cancellation can help to block out any distracting background sounds while they focus on their tasks. Practical gifts such as an ergonomic chair, adjustable standing desk, or laptop stand can also be great options. There are even fitness trackers that can help them monitor their daily activity levels and encourage regular exercise breaks throughout the day.

Smaller items like coffee mugs, cute pens, and pencils, sticky notes, comfortable slippers, or cozy blankets are all fun little things that will add to their workspace comfort. For those who are tech-savvy, consider getting a smart assistant device like Alexa which can be used for playing music and keeping track of tasks and appointments. No matter what you choose, getting something special for someone who works remotely shows that you understand the unique demands associated with this type of job.

What are the best gifts for a digital nomad who loves nature?

Gifting the perfect present for a digital nomad who loves nature can be tricky, but luckily there are many great options to choose from. For starters, a travel hammock is an ideal gift for the on-the-go digital nomad. Not only does it provide a great way to relax and take in the beauty of nature, but its lightweight and compact design make it easy to pack up and take with you wherever your travels may lead. A trail camera is another fantastic choice; these cameras allow you to capture special moments in nature while you’re on the move, giving you the opportunity to document your adventures in stunning detail. If your digital nomad loves camping, then a camping stove or portable solar charger would make ideal gifts. A camping stove allows them to cook meals whenever they find themselves off the grid, while a portable charger means they can stay connected even when they’re away from civilization. Of course, no outdoor adventure is complete without a good pair of binoculars! Gift them with a quality set so they can get closer to nature than ever before and enjoy breathtaking views from afar.

Finally, if your digital nomad craves comfort while traveling through the wilderness, then gifting them with some kind of self-inflating sleeping mat or collapsible chair would be sure to bring joy and relaxation. With this selection of thoughtful gifts for the nature-loving digital nomad, any journey will be full of unforgettable memories that are sure to last for years!

What are the best gifts for a traveling remote worker?

The best gifts for a traveling remote worker are ones that are both functional and fun! A good laptop or tablet is an absolute must, as they will need the right tools to stay connected and productive while on the move. For a more luxury item, a noise-canceling headset can be used to ensure distraction-free calls and meetings, ideal for those who often work in crowded places. If budget allows, a portable printer can also make life much easier for a remote worker by enabling them to quickly print out documents or tickets when necessary.

In terms of recreational items, there are plenty of options to choose from. A lightweight travel hammock is perfect for taking a break from work with some fresh air; likewise, a good pair of noise-canceling headphones will provide a peaceful listening experience no matter where they are. Consider other outdoor entertainment gear like frisbees and beach balls – anything that helps them take advantage of their new location while also having fun!

Finally, make sure to include things that make the daily grind easier and more enjoyable. A mini power bank with USB ports is an essential item when you’re on the go and don’t have access to reliable sources of charging. Also consider items like luggage scales so they don’t have to worry about exceeding airline weight limits at the airport; or even something as simple as packing cubes to help them stay organized when unpacking after long trips.

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