Most walkable cities in the US, San Francisco

Most Walkable Cities in the US

Did you know that walking comes with immense benefits for both yourself and the world you live in? Each day, just 30 minutes of walking is enough for you to strengthen your bones and boost your cardiovascular system. Environmental wise, walking reduces polluted car emissions, making the air we breathe all the more cleaner. 

In this guide we’ll explore the benefits of walkable communities and the most walkable cities in the US. We’ll also dive into the various criteria that determine walkability and how communities help pedestrians stay safe when transiting from point a to point b. 

If you’re ready to discover the top 10 most walkable cities in the US and why walkability matters, keep reading…

Benefits of Walkable Neighborhoods

Before we get into what are the most walkable cities in the US, we first need to thoroughly review the benefits of moving around on foot. Some of them might actually surprise you.

A More Active Lifestyle

Walkable neighborhoods ultimately empower people to live in a healthier way. Sedentary living is one of the major risk factors for a series of major health complications. To this day, people who lack physical activity are more susceptible to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and a litany of other medical ailments. Even a 20 minute walk to your favorite breakfast cafe every morning can make a positive difference. 

Less Traffic Congestion

Universally, we all understand just how unpleasant it can be to hit heavy traffic, but it doesn’t have to be this way. One major benefit of knowing the most walkable cities in the US is reducing the amount of vehicles on the road. This means less traffic and fewer people blowing their horns at one another in cars. With fewer cars rushing to get to various destinations, you’re also statistically less likely to have dangerous accidents. 

Enhanced Community Interaction

In the current day and age, a lot of people have become quite integrated with their phones, Apple watches, and other technology. This unfortunately limits communication between individuals, often leading to feelings of isolation and adverse mental health effects.

The most walkable small cities in the US combat this by providing the necessary infrastructure for people to interact with one another. Something as simple as saying “hi” to your fellow neighbor can go a long way, making members of any given community feel less alone. 

Economic Advantages

Before we explore what are the most walkable cities in the US, we can’t forget the economic upsides of walking. Getting around on foot saves gas money, allowing people to save their car rides for longer trips. Something as simple as picking up a coffee in the morning presents a great opportunity to spare the fuel and instead get your steps in.

Top 10 Most Walkable Cities in the US

After reviewing the benefits of walkable neighborhoods, we’ll now explore the top 10 most walkable cities in the US. You’ll notice that many of them are urban communities with plenty of infrastructure, amenities, and other features that make it easy to move around on foot. 

10. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Home to over 1.5 million residents, Philadelphia is an incredibly walkable destination where many people can get around and run errands on foot. This city makes the list of most walkable cities in the US due to shops, restaurants, and other exciting destinations that are right next door to each other. Adding to the appeal are the many parks and other green spaces for residents to enjoy at their own leisure. This compact setup throughout the community  makes it easy to reach the places you’d like to be in relatively short time periods. 

9. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

Pittsburgh comes next on the list of what are the most walkable cities in the US. The layout of stores, dining establishments, and other amenities are very well suited for moving around on foot. In the downtown area especially, locals have an easy time getting from place to place without being heavily reliant on cars or other vehicles. In the long run, Pittsburgh has proven to be an attractive destination for avid fitness enthusiasts, along with others who appreciate pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods. 

8. Los Angeles, California

With charming neighborhoods and beautiful landscapes, it’s not only easy to walk in Los Angeles, but oftentimes preferable. This California community easily ranks number eight on the list of the most walkable cities in the US. Across neighborhoods like Santa Monica, West LA, West Hollywood, and more, many people prefer to get around without using a vehicle. Los Angeles also happens to be a very great place for jogging, hiking, and otherwise getting in aerobic, low impact exercise. Nature lovers will especially love walking in Los Angeles, due to the city’s beaches, waterfronts, and other coastal attractions. 

7. Chicago, Illinois

Home to over 2.6 million residents, Chicago has earned its place as one of the most walkable cities in the US. With a newly repurposed rail-line-turned-recreational-trail now runs through multiple popular neighborhoods, providing more walkway room for pedestrians. Getting around on foot is also made easy thanks to an increase in available public spaces, count-down timers on streets, and more. Each of these additions in Chicago over the years has paved the way to it becoming one of the top 10 most walkable cities in the US.

6. San Francisco, California

Next up is San Francisco, home to ongoing pedestrian safety projects, tree-lined streets, and wall-to-wall businesses. With all of these amenities in close compact, it’s easy to see why San Francisco is number six among the most walkable cities in the US. Getting around on foot is streamlined by the considerable availability of places people want to visit. The greater community also facilitates walking via added safety improvements in the streets. All things considered, people will be moving around on foot in San Francisco for quite some time.

5. Portland, Oregon

Dense neighborhoods, residential buildings, and walking paths along major roads are critical parts of Portland. They also contribute to this major community landing on a list of what are the most walkable cities in the US. The Pearl District, in particular, is a popular neighborhood where almost 20% of people walk to and from work every day. Adding to the pedestrian-friendly nature of this city are parks, riverfront trails, and live entertainment in densely populated areas. Stunning architecture and historic buildings throughout the city also ensure that walkers are surrounded by picturesque scenery while transiting on foot. 

4. Seattle, Washington

Throughout Seattle, people have an easy time running errands or otherwise getting from place to place without a vehicle. The city is number four of the most walkable cities in the US for a series of reasons. Well-looked-after crosswalks, sidewalks, and walking trails are major factors. Seattle also goes above and beyond by placing shops, parks, restaurants, and other places of business in close proximity to residential areas. This allows locals to easily move around on foot without ever being too far away from home. By far, the city’s downtown area and Denny Triangle neighborhood are among the most walkable areas. 

3. Washington, DC

As the capital of the United States, Washington DC is easily third on the list of the most walkable cities in the US. Both the town centers and suburbs offer plenty of scenic walking paths, along with compact homes. These residential areas are never too far from restaurants, stores, and other exciting destinations. The rich history and many cultural attractions throughout Washington DC are easily accessible on foot, thus eliminating the need for daily vehicular use. Over the years, officials in America’s capital have expressed an interest in making this city even more walkable. 

2. Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, over the years, has earned a nickname as The Walking City due to its pedestrian-friendly layout. Along its many walking trails are aromatic restaurants, grocery stores, and other highly frequented destinations. This compact layout makes it easy to see why Boston is only second among the top 10 most walkable cities in the US. Moving around the community on foot also allows residents to soak historic landmarks, state houses, and other attractions that would be easily missed when quickly driving by. 

1. New York, New York

With a population of more than 8.3 million, New York City takes the cake. Some people may be shocked to learn this community is number one of the most walkable cities in the US. In fact, NYC is so walkable that many residents forgo car ownership altogether. Along the city’s many walkways are skyscrapers, impressive residential architecture, gorgeous parks, and more. The layout of local nightlife, eateries, and recreation centers is also best accessed on foot. Unlike many other communities across the United States, NYC is so walkable that people who do drive often struggle to find good parking.

Criteria for Determining Walkability

Throughout this guide so far, we’ve reviewed the most walkable cities in the US. We’ve also had a good look at the benefits of moving around on foot, both for individuals and the community at large for those who are living in the US or planning to move there.. Now, it’s time to explore the various criteria that determine walkability. 

Density and mixed-use development

Population density plays a major role in understanding the most walkable small cities in the US. The number of people living in a specific area inevitably impacts the necessary amount of amenities, businesses, and attractions. It also goes without saying that highly populated communities will require more walkways and crosswalks in order to remain suitable for a higher number of pedestrians. 

Mixed-use development has an essential role to play as well. Each of the top 10 most walkable cities in the US have eateries, stores, and businesses that are in close proximity to one another. These amenities are easily accessible via walkways and/or in community centers. Think about the local plaza that hosts fitness hubs right next door to cinemas, specialty shops, and banks. All of this contributes to the most walkable cities in the US, allowing people to easily get around on foot.

Access to public transportation

Even the most walkable small cities in the US require fairly easy access to transportation. This is why many crosswalks and sidewalks often lead to train stations and bus stops. Sometimes, people will need to get around on wheels. However, this doesn’t have to detract from a city’s walkability if locals can easily walk to these transit hubs. 

Access to amenities 

Similarly to public transportation, the top 10 most walkable cities in the US each offer effortless access to amenities. This is tangible via compact layouts and tree-lined streets leading to city plazas, restaurants, and shopping centers. When determining walkability in any community, it’s vital for locals to have relatively easy access to these core amenities. When these amenities aren’t easily available, people will feel less inclined to move around on foot.

Availability of parks and open spaces

Last but not least, the availability of parks and open spaces can’t be missed. This is a major criteria for accessing the most walkable small cities in the US. Nature centers, green spaces, and hiking trails allow walkers to get their exercise while remaining close to other recreational centers in the community. Among the most walkable cities in the US, you’ll notice that each of them has trails, parks, and other green spaces across multiple neighborhoods. 

The Verdict

Whether you’re looking to make a move or planning a vacation, knowing the top ten most walkable cities in the US always comes in handy. 

This guide has thoroughly reviewed pedestrian-friendly destinations like New York City, Boston, San Francisco, and others. In doing so, we hope you’ve learned about the layouts and amenities that contribute to a city’s walkability. 

If you or someone you know is interested in visiting or relocating to one of the most walkable cities in the US, feel free to share this guide. You never know when the information will come in handy. If you personally live in any of the above-mentioned cities, we’d be more than happy to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is America's most walkable city?

New York is usually considered the most walkable city in the US. The city has a dense urban core and an extensive network of sidewalks. The city’s numerous pedestrian-friendly streets offer a convenient and enjoyable walking experience.

Is SF a walkable city?

San Francisco, is another city known for its walkability. However, the city has hilly terrain and a compact layout, making it easy to navigate on foot. Some of the neighborhoods of San Francisco, including North Beach and Chinatown, have particularly pedestrian-friendly streets.

Is Chicago a walkable city?

Another walkable city, Chicago, has a central business district and wide sidewalks with many pedestrian crossings. It is also ranked as the seventh most walkable city in the US, with some of the most walkable neighborhoods.

What is the most active city in America?

San Francisco is considered an active city in the US, providing various opportunities for walking, running, and cycling. San Francisco is also known as a windy city and a center city for entrepreneurs.

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